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How to Control Fleas in New Jersey

how to control fleas in new jersey

Fleas are actually very dangerous pests, as they transmit some serious diseases and parasites, which can be passed to both humans, animals, and domesticated pets. Fleas feed on the blood of their hosts. Their saliva can cause some people to have allergic reactions. Fleas are always scratching and biting, which can actually create infections. New Jersey's climate, with its warm and humid summers, provides an ideal environment for fleas to thrive. Implementing flea control measures will help prevent infestations in your yard, in your home, and on your pets. There are several things you can do to prevent flea infestations in your yard and on your pets. Here's how to control fleas in New Jersey.

How to Prevent Fleas in New Jersey

  • Sign up for our Flea & Tick Control Program. It's the best thing you can do to protect your pets, yard, family, and home. Fleas will jump on pets and/or humans passing by and those pets and humans will take the fleas inside.
  • Wear repellent, long pants and socks when working outside. Fleas thrive in shady, sandy, moist areas like in high grasses, underneath debris, or in the dirt underneath shrubs and/or bushes.
  • Treat pets with prevention medication.
  • Be sure to regularly wash pets and their bedding to get rid of eggs and flea feces. Doing this is one of the best things you can do to help prevent flea infestations. 
  • Vacuum carpets and steam floors. We recommend you do this regularly.
  • Keep your grass / lawn cut short and your plants and bushes pruned.
  • Inspect your pets before they come inside.
  • Do spring and fall yard cleanups! Pests love to hide under lawn and landscape clutter and leaves.

Healthy Lawn Flea Control Program

The best way to control fleas is to follow all the tips we talked about above, and to sign up for our flea control program. Our flea control program consists of multiple timed applications that will distributed between April and October- roughly every 30-40 days. Contact us today to learn more about our flea control program. We also have an instant quote feature on our Flea Control service page. Get a quote easily, fast, and free!

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Flea Control is Important in New Jersey

Fleas are ectoparasites (an organism that lives on the skin of a host that they are feeding on). Fleas are very common pests in New Jersey that thrive throughout the spring, summer, and fall seasons.

Health Concerns: Fleas can transmit diseases to both humans, animals, and domestic pets like dogs and cats. Some of the diseases they can carry include typhus, tapeworms, and various bacterial infections. Controlling fleas helps prevent the spread of these diseases. In addition, many pets can have severe allergic reaction to flea scratches and bites.

Human & Pet Health: Fleas are a common problem for pets in New Jersey. When your pet has a flea infestation it will cause itching, irritation, and discomfort. In severe infestations, they can lead to more serious health issues such as anemia, especially in smaller animals. Flea bites can cause allergic reactions in some individuals and pets.

Neighborhood Impact: Flea infestations can quickly become widespread, affecting not only pets but also the home environment. Flea eggs, larvae, and pupae can be present in carpets, bedding, couches and basic home furniture. Taking the proper flea control measures will help prevent the infestation from spreading and becoming a larger issue. Your family, friends, and neighbors can take fleas home with them.

Cost Impact: Flea infestations can result in costly treatments and high veterinary bills. Taking preventative measures to control fleas will help save you and your pets a lot of stress, discomforted, and money.

Flea control is important in New Jersey to protect both human and animal health, prevent the spread of diseases, minimize allergic reactions, and maintain a healthy and comfortable living environment for your pets, family, and friends.

Where do Fleas Come From, Hide, and Thrive in New Jersey?

Fleas can be found in various environments in New Jersey. Fleas are commonly associated with areas where pets and wildlife are present.

Pet Habitats: Fleas often live on pets like dogs and cats. They can infest pet bedding, carpets, couches, and other areas where pets spend time. Animals and pets are their primary food source.

Outdoor Areas: Fleas thrive in outdoor environments, especially in warm and humid conditions. They like to live in shady, moist areas, out of reach of the sun. They are also present in yards, gardens, and areas where wild animals roam. Once fleas are in your yard, they will wait for a host to pass by and they will jump on them.

Wildlife Habitats: Fleas can live on wild animals, and New Jersey has various wildlife species that may carry fleas. These animals include rodents, squirrels, raccoons, stray cats, deer, skunks, and other stray / wild animals. Many times it's the stray animals that carry fleas into your yard.

Indoor Spaces: Fleas can find their way indoors, infesting carpets, rugs, and furniture. They may also hide in cracks and crevices in floors and walls. It's critical that all these areas are cleaned regularly.

If you want to prevent a flea infestation around your home, then reach out to us today! When dealing with a flea infestation it will end up costing a great deal of time and money to get rid of. The best thing you can do is follow our tips on how to prevent fleas in New Jersey and to sign up for our Flea Control Program. Following these flea control tips along with our flea control program is a great 1-2 punch.

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